Add a new engagement or outreach activity
Use the form below to describe the activity.
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Please use the following definitions for entering activities:
- Activities
- Activities to be included on the map can either be engagement activities or outreach activities. Use the definitions and box below to categorize the activity as engagement or outreach.
- Engagement Activities
- Engagement activities are typically developed in partnership between Pitt and non-Pitt entities and are supported by ongoing relationships that are mutually beneficial for both Pitt and community collaborators. Collaborative relationships can take the form of projects, programs, coursework, and research that are supported by Pitt and have active participation from both Pitt and community collaborators.
- Outreach Activities
- The application and provision of institutional resources for community use. Outreach activities typically do not involve partnership with outside entities to develop and deliver the program or activity.
- Collaborators
- Collaborators are non-Pitt entities that are involved in or co-developing a project, program, or coursework for the mutual benefit of Pitt and the community.
First, categorize the activity
The activity is...
👋 You need to classify the activity you plan to enter using the questions above before you can continue.